Made Righteous (Part 1)

You are made right with God

The subject of righteousness had been of utmost concern to me after I became born again because I could not understand why sin was still so prevalent in the church after accepting Jesus into our lives. I was taught so many things that contradicted what I discovered in the scriptures, but I thank God for His revelation and understanding now.

What exactly is righteousness? From childhood, I was made to understand that righteousness means living right. If someone does the right thing, he is said to be a righteous or right standing person, and if he does the wrong thing, he is said to be a sinner. But is this totally true? Let’s dig into the Bible to get the understanding.

Firstly, it is important to establish the fact that we are all born into sin. Romans 5:12, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. (KJV).” Also Psalm 51:5 says, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. (KJV).” Every one of us born into this world is born into sin.

Let’s go further by analyzing Romans 5:19, “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. (KJV).” Let’s understand what he is saying here, “For by one man’s disobedience we were made sinners…” Whose disobedience? Adam!!! Every one of us was made a sinner as a result of the transgression of Adam in the beginning. We were all made sinners by Adam’s disobedience. As long as we are born to this world, we were made sinners. What actions of yours were you responsible for being made a sinner? What part did you play to be made a sinner? What did you do specifically to be made a sinner? Here is the answer: You were made a sinner from birth, not by any actions of your own.

Let’s continue reading the same verse, “…so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” It is by the obedience of Jesus that many will be made righteous. When a man gets born again, he is made righteous by the obedience of Jesus. What actions of yours were responsible for you being made righteous if you are born again? None!!! Just as you didn’t do anything to become a sinner, so also you didn’t do anything to become righteous after you got born again. You became righteous after you accepted Jesus into your life. Re-read this verse and notice the word, “made.” It was not by any actions of yours. Jesus was responsible for making you righteous when you became born again.

Are you born again? If you are, please take note that you were not made righteous because you prayed 12-hours a day. You were not made righteous because you fasted for forty days and forty nights. You were made righteous not because of any actions emanating from you (Romans 5:19). You are righteous because of Jesus. Your righteousness is not based on what you do, but on what Jesus has done.

  • I am not righteous because of any actions of mine; I am righteous because I am in Christ. Hence, I am righteous in Christ.
  • I am not holy because my behaviour is holy, I am holy because I am in Christ. Hence, I am Holy in Christ.

You have to understand what happened to you the day you got born again. The day you became born again;

  • Was the day you got in Christ.
  • Was also the day you were made righteous.

You are not becoming holy; you are holy right now. You are not becoming righteous; you are righteous right now. It is a process from within you (your spirit) that will eventually find expression on the outward (your soul and body).

Please, click on the link below for Part 2 of this message; you can also click on other links for some more life-transforming messages.

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