I was once asked to pray in church, asking God to “REMEMBER ME” in areas of my life where I think God has forgotten about. So, I prayed ceaselessly and wailed hard in every language I knew. But is this true?
Someone might say, “You are only righteous until you commit a sin.” Is this true? Let’s find out by analyzing Romans 4:2, 3, 5, 6 and 8;
In the Old Covenant/Old Testament, the high priest will take your prayers and requests to God and petition on your behalf. On the other hand, Prophets will hear from God and pass the instructions to you
Why are we looking for what we already have? In the beginning, God said, “…Let us make man in our image…”(Genesis 1:26). Shortly after man was created, Satan came to tell Eve, “…For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God… (Genesis 3:4).”
Why do we keep looking for deliverance after we have surrendered our lives to Christ? Lots of people including myself have fallen victim to teachings of deliverance, seeking for deliverance elsewhere even after accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
A lot of us in the Body of Christ have missed and deviated in so many ways by asking and begging God for what He has already done. In the past, I always thought that we had to cry and beg God for things before I got them.
Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. (KJV).” Let’s see other translations:
It is germane for us to understand exactly when the New Covenant started. From when I was a child, I always believed that the New Testament/New Covenant began from the Book of Matthew, but is this correct? Let’s check the scriptures for clarity;
In part 1, we shared some scriptures identifying the contrast between the Old and the New Covenants and the terms of the New Covenant. I will advise you to read part 1 and continue here in part 2. Let’s keep digging into the scriptures;
In Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity describes God as one God in three divine Persons (each of the three Persons is God himself). The Most Holy Trinity comprises God the Father, God the Son (which is Jesus Christ God), and God the Holy Spirit.
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