Stop trying to get what you already have


Why are we looking for what we already have? In the beginning, God said, “…Let us make man in our image…”(Genesis 1:26). Shortly after man was created, Satan came to tell Eve, “…For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God… (Genesis 3:4).” Adam and Eve were already like God, but Satan tempted them, saying that they will be like God if they eat of the fruit. What a contradiction!!! They were already like God, yet they were still trying to be like God.

This how many Christians are living their lives today, we are trying to get what we already have. This is unbelief. If you are trying to get what you already have, it simply means you never believe you had it in the first place.

Any message, doctrine or instruction that makes you feel lesser than what God says you are is deceitful. God made you in His image; hence, anything or anyone that brings down your self-image from what God says you are is deceitful. Satan used the scriptures to tempt Jesus in the Bible, and he is still using scriptures to deceive many Christians today. Wake up!!!

Love of God

Knowing God
That We May Know Him

In Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity describes God as one God in three divine Persons (each of the three Persons is God himself). The Most Holy Trinity comprises God the Father, God the Son (which is Jesus Christ God), and God the Holy Spirit.

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